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spacer Dear Friends, June 27, 2001
Dear Friends, It’s been a busy week thus far in Washington. We’ve been working our way through some important budget bills and we’ve been busy working to put together a balanced national energy plan for the first time in a decade. The energy crunch is hurting everyone. Gas prices are high this summer and electric bills are putting a big dent in family budgets. It’s especially difficult for New Mexicans on fixed incomes. We need a balanced, long-term plan to meet our energy needs. ...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 2 Issue 22
Serving Neighbors

Energy Relief for Low-Income Households

If you`re having trouble keeping up with your energy bills, you may find the resources in this week`s Serving Neighbors useful.

Fun Facts
What major health care initiative took effect 33 years ago this week?
What major health care initiative took effect 33 years ago this week?
MEDICARE! The Medicare program as we know it today took effect on July 1, 1968. Legislation authorizing the creation of Medicare was signed by President Lyndon Johnson three years earlier, on July 30, 1965. Medicare is a health insurance program for people 65 years and older. Originally, Medicare covered only people age 65 and over. Since then, legislation has created three new groups covered under Medicare. In 1972 Congress added persons who are entitled to disability benefits for 24 months or more, as well as persons with end-stage renal disease, and then in 1973 people who otherwise did not qualify for Medicare coverage but who choose to buy into Medicare. When Medicare first became a reality in 1968, prescription medicine was only about 1% of the cost of health care. Medical care consisted of doctor`s bills and hospital visits. Today, prescription medicine is about 15% of the cost of health care. But to date, Medicare doesn`t include a prescription drug benefit. Congresswoman Heather Wilson is working to add a prescription drug benefit to Medicare in the 107th Congress.

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