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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson serves lunch at senior center, talks about Medicare Prescription Plan October 15, 2005
Jane Moorman, Valencia County News-Bulletin Belen - U.S. Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., served up a little more than information while visiting the Belen Senior Center during lunch on Thursday. Wilson put on an apron, hair net and serving gloves and helped place food on the seniors` plates before sitting down to talk about the Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. Wilson stressed that seniors should fill out and return a form they may have received from the Social Security Administration. "This form will help the government determine if you qualify for additional assistance with your medicine costs because of your income and resource level," Wilson said. The Social Security Administration mailed forms to people they identified as likely to qualify for extra help, but report that the return rate in New Mexico is currently less than 25 percent. That figure concerns Wilson, who encourages seniors to return the form as soon as possible. "From our state demographics, we know that 45 percent of the seniors in New Mexico will qualify for the no-cost or low-cost prescription drug plan. But the people must fill out this form to qualify," she said. Seniors who think they may qualify but don`t have the form or never received it, may call 1-800-772-1213 to request another copy. Wilson also encouraged family members and community leaders to help seniors learn more about Medicare Part D, as the new benefit is officially known. What are the basics?
  • Those who are single with an annual income below $14,355 or married couples with a combined annual income below $19,245 qualify. Slightly higher income levels may apply if you provide support to other family members living with you.
  • You can apply for this extra help through the Social Security Administration. The application is non-binding and serves only to determine your eligibility for extra help.
  • The amount of help depends on your income and resources.
  • You still need to join a Medicare prescription drug plan for Medicare to pay for your drug costs.
  • You can join one of 17 Medicare prescription drug plans beginning Nov. 15. If you join by Dec. 31, your coverage begins Jan. 1. If you join later, your coverage begins on the first day of the following month. You have until May 15 to join.
  • If you qualify for extra help, you will have continuous drug coverage and will pay only a small amount for your prescription drugs. "Soon you will receive in the mail a booklet entitled `Medicare and You.` This booklet should help answer your questions, but if it doesn`t we have staff members available to help you," she said. She added that her Web site, http://wilson.house.gov, has useful information for seniors and family members, including a link to the Social Security extra-help application. "We made a promise to seniors to give them help with the cost of prescription drugs," she said. "Beginning in January, some seniors will be able to receive help with paying for their medications." Wilson added that there will be a forum from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., Monday, Oct. 24, at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center on 12th Street in Albuquerque. "Representatives from most of the 17 providers available to New Mexicans will be present to explain their Medicare Part D plans," Wilson said. "This way people can decide which one will be best for their needs."
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