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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Funding Will Secure Kirtland Power Grid June 19, 2003
Washington, DC - The heart of Kirtland`s electrical power grid, it`s main switching station, is currently located outside of the base`s perimeter. That, base officials fear, could make the Air Force facility vulnerable to a crippling terrorist attack. Congresswoman Heather Wilson today announced that federal funding for New Mexico military projects has been approved by two influential House Committees, and some of that funding will help improve Kirtland`s infrastructure. Wilson warned that the funding still has to be negotiated with the Senate, a process she plans to play a key role in.

More than $17 million in funding was approved earlier this year in a House Armed Services Committee mark-up of next year`s defense authorization bill. That legislation outlines spending priorities for the nation`s military, and the funding, also approved this week in the Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee, must now survive a conference deal with the Senate. Conference negotiations are expected to begin next week.

Other projects recently approved include close to $7 million for a Base Arsenic Treatment Facility, $2.5 million for alterations to an Army National Guard building in Albuquerque, and $3.6 M to upgrade the Tularosa radar test site in Southern New Mexico.

$4.15 million for KAFB electrical power main switching station

The electrical power transmission source that serves important Kirtland facilities (KUMMSC, AFRL, 58th SOW, NMANG) and non-critical (housing, recreation, and non-essential) facilities is from one electrical switching station located outside the base boundary near the northeast corner of the base.

Power disruption at the location would disable the main electrical power source to Kirtland for several months. Destruction of the existing power source would result in all critical buildings` security being jeopardized. This project supports antiterrorism/force protection efforts to ensure the base is safe and secure during terrorist attacks. This system will provide a backup power transmission source connection in the event the present single connection is destroyed.

This federal funding, once ultimately approved, will provide for a redundant power source for Kirtland. Switchgear and related facilities will be housed within a new protective facility located within the base boundary in order to prevent sabotage.

$6.957 million for Arsenic Treatment Facility at KAFB.

Close to $7 million was approved to install arsenic treatment systems to reduce arsenic levels in KAFB drinking water production wells. The funding would help the Base comply with EPA`s newly established maximum contaminant level (MCL) for arsenic. Treatment systems will include all required infrastructure upgrades, pumps, piping, and system controls.

KAFB`s entire water supply and distribution system is located on the base reservation and supports 20,640 base employees and 4,000 family housing residents.

Other funding approved this week includes:

· $2.533 million to add or alter an Army National Guard readiness center in Albuquerque

· $3.6 million to upgrade the radar test facility at Tularosa


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