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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

House to Vote on Minimum Wage Increase July 27, 2006
Wilson Expects to Vote for Bill with Small Business Help
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today said she expects the U.S. House of Representatives to vote this week on a bill increasing the federal minimum wage. Wilson, one of 48 Republicans to sign a July 24, 2006, letter urging the House Majority Leader to have a floor vote on a federal minimum wage increase, is pleased that a federal minimum wage increase to $7.25 per hour will be considered, and expects the proposal to be one she can support. “I expect to once again vote for an increase in the federal minimum wage,” Wilson said. “I’ll support legislation that includes important incentives for employee-health insurance for the small businesses that create most new jobs.” Rep. Wilson supported a federal minimum wage increase on March 9, 2000, the only vote on a minimum wage increase during her eight years in Congress. With that vote, she supported an increase to $5.65 per hour that would have increased again to $6.15 per hour one year later. (H.R. 3081, Roll Call Vote # 41, 106th Congress). Wilson said she would favor legislation that includes Association Health Plans for small businesses to better provide health coverage for employees. Many small businesses struggle to afford quality health plans for their employees. Association Health Plans would help bridge that disparity between employees of large and small companies.
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