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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

An Artistic Discovery March 28, 2000
One of the exciting parts of my job each year is to conduct the annual Congressional art competition, open to high school students from New Mexico`s first district and across the nation. This year`s competition - An Artistic Discovery 2000 - provides a wonderful opportunity for students to show their creative talents.

Giving young people the opportunity to share their gifts and be recognized for their work is important. This is particularly important for kids who march to the beat of a different drum. There are a lot of artistically gifted kids that fit in that category. They may not be on the homecoming queen`s court or lettering in sports or even bringing home an honor roll report card (though some of them certainly are), but they have something important to say and they do it through art.

One of the wonderful things about our state is our art. We have more artists per capita than any other state in the nation. That`s something of which we can be very proud.

I am also happy to announce that Weems Art Galleries is sponsoring this year`s competition, and I look forward to working with Mary Ann Weems and her staff to once again recognize and encourage the creative spirit and energies of our talented high school students.

The entry judged Best of Show will be displayed in a corridor leading from my House office to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Visitors, staff and members of Congress walk by them every day and I always enjoy the trip.

First, second and third place artwork will be proudly displayed in my Albuquerque office for the viewing pleasure of local constituents and visitors. The winning artist will receive two tickets to fly to the nation`s capital for a reception and the unveiling of student artwork from throughout the nation. Additionally, the top four winners will receive savings bonds.

Last year`s competition was an incredible success, and my office staff anticipates even greater interest this year. Due to overwhelming demand, two new categories have been added to the competition: computer-generated art and photography. I am pleased that this will open up opportunities for students who work in these media.

My staff members are actively searching for a venue to display the artwork in Albuquerque May 8th - 19th. If you know of anyone who may be able to help us in this regard, please call Julie at my office - 505-346-6781.

For more information about An Artistic Discovery 2000, check the Student`s Corner on my website, or call my office at 505-346-6781.

And if you know a high school student who is an artist, encourage them to participate. We would love to have them.

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