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In Albuquerque
20 First Plaza NW
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

It’s near a century since American doughboys liberated France and its neighbors from the invaders. Perhaps you’ve seen photos from the time showing young girls rushing into the streets with huge bows in their hair, huge bouquets in their arms, and heart-felt smiles on their faces...welcoming the allies.

As a young Air Force officer, I discovered that that gratitude still lives in the hearts of the great-grand children of those who welcomed us so long ago.

So, when I learned that The National Cemetery in Santa Fe will be closing its doors to veterans within the next eight years, I thought it was time to introduce legislation to designate a new National Cemetery in or near Albuquerque... because our veterans deserve that final measure of respect for their service, a place of honor in a national cemetery.

Introducing the bill is the easy part. Now, I need your help with the heavy lifting involved to make a new national cemetery a reality for New Mexico’s veterans. There are two things you can do to make a difference.

1. Encourage everybody you know to write a personal letter supporting the creation of a national cemetery for the Albuquerque area, explaining why he or she considers this a matter of equity for veterans here. The letter should be addressed to:

U.S. Department of Veteran’s Affairs
National Cemetery Administration
810 Vermont Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20420

2. Organize petition drives, with signatures gathered from veterans and from the general public all across New Mexico, urging Congress to take favorable action on my bill. The petitions should be addressed to:

The Honorable Bob Stump, Chairman
House Veterans’ Committee
Washington, D.C. 20515

I will personally deliver all petitions to him. Obviously, the larger the pile of petitions, the stronger our point.

New Mexicans have consistently served our country. This is an opportunity to continue our tradition of honoring and remembering the sacrifices New Mexicans have made for the preservation of freedom worldwide.

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