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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Hails Small Business Expansion February 19, 2004
Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today welcomed growth at an Albuquerque small business, and said that thriving small businesses are the backbone of job creation.

MGS Communications in Albuquerque is a growing small business owned by Missy Martinez-Duenas. The company began eight years ago with two employees. Now with five employees, MGS Communications announced it will expand to 12 employees at a small business town hall meeting hosted by the company today.

“This is how it’s done,” Wilson said. “Small businesses, like MGS Communications, start as someone’s dream. Together these small businesses are the engine driving this economy and providing jobs for people who need them.”

MGS Communications supplies two-way radio and cell phone service, and repairs telecommunications equipment.

“Every good job in New Mexico means another person, and often another family, that is likely to stay here,” Wilson said. “Growing small businesses lead to stable neighborhoods that are the foundation of a healthy community.”

New Mexico’s job creation rate was the sixth-highest in the nation last year at 1.3 percent, and the outlook is higher for this year.

“This is real progress, and now we have to stay on task until everyone who wants to work can find a job,” Wilson said. “I know that government doesn’t create wealth, but sound policies like low taxes, fair regulations and integrity in boardrooms, are important to job growth in America.”

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