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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

August 12, 2003
WASHINGTON, D.C. - With a potential natural gas shortage looming this fall and winter because of historically high prices and low natural gas supplies, Congressman Steve Pearce (R-NM) and Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) today announced the Task Force for Affordable Natural Gas will hold a Field Hearing in New Mexico on August 18, 2003 in Hobbs. The Task Force will convene at the Lea County Events Center at 10 a.m. Pearce and Wilson were tapped by U.S. Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R-IL) to be leaders on the Task Force, which was designed to help take action against the devastating impacts of the natural gas shortage on American families, farms and businesses. With 60 million homes, businesses and industries dependent upon natural gas, the 18-Member Task Force will report back to the Speaker by September 30th, on three main areas of inquiry: 1. The causes of today`s natural gas shortage; 2. The impact of natural gas prices on the American economy; and, 3. Short and long-term ideas to encourage a stable supply of natural gas to ease price volatility. Pleased to be holding the field hearing in his district, Pearce said, "The work of this task force is critical because we`ve witnessed time and time again how our nation`s economic prosperity depends upon the availability of abundant, affordable energy. We need a better solution and I am confident that New Mexicans will help us find one." "Over one-half of U.S. homes use natural gas as their main heating fuel," says Wilson "We need sources of supply that can meet demand." The public and media are encouraged to attend the Field Hearing. Please find the details below followed by a list of people who are slated to testify at the hearing. Please call Gail Gitcho or Matt Meagher with any questions, 202-225-2365. What: Speaker`s Task Force on Affordable Natural Gas Field Hearing Where: Lea County Events Center 5101 Lovington Highway Hobbs, New Mexico When: Monday, August, 18, 2003 Time: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Witnesses testifying at the hearing: Robert Caudle, Lea County Electric Cooperative Tim Theisner, Dairy Farmers of America Steve McCutcheon, Mississippi Potash, Inc. Patrick Lyons, Commissioner New Mexico Public Lands Commission Steve Massey, Eddy County Manager Dr. Judy Armstrong, Provost Eastern New Mexico University Roswell Peyton Yates, Yates Petroleum Corporation Richard Fraley, Burlington Resources President Claudia Vigil-Muniz, Jicarilla Apache Nation Lewis Derrick, Rancher The House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman W.J. "Billy" Tauzin (R-LA) and House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo (R-CA) today launched a website to keep the public informed on the progress of the Speaker`s Natural Gas Task Force For Affordable Natural Gas. The website address is: http://energycommerce.house.gov/NaturalGasTaskForce.

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