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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Introduces Bipartisan Mental Health Early Intervention, Treatment, & Prevention Act of 2000 July 27, 2000
Wilson and Democrat Ted Strickland (D-OH) team up to bolster federal mental health programs
WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today introduced bipartisan legislation that would dramatically improve federal mental health programs. During a press conference this morning, Congresswoman Wilson and Congressman Ted Strickland (D-OH) formally introduced the Mental Health Early Intervention, Treatment, & Prevention Act of 2000. “Thanks to revolutions in modern health care mental illness is now treatable,” Wilson said. “This bill is a bipartisan effort to help provide early intervention and counseling to help prevent the harm caused by sufferers of mental illness to themselves and others. We must make the public more aware of mental illnesses and the treatments available to cure these terrible sicknesses.” The Mental Health Early Intervention, Treatment, & Prevention Act of 2000 would authorize: A Mental Illness Anti-Stigma and Suicide Prevention Campaign; * Emergency Mental Health Centers to serve as the central receiving point in communities for families, friends, emergency medical personnel, and law enforcement to take an individual possibly in need of emergency mental health services; * Training for teachers and medical personnel to identify and respond to individuals with a mental illness; * Mental Health Courts that maintain separate dockets and handle only cases involving individuals with a mental illness; * Blue Ribbon Panel to make recommendations on issues relating to mental illness. * It will focus on diagnosis and treatment, and the interaction between mental illness and the criminal justice system; and, * Increased funding for innovative treatment and research. The five-year authorization bill would authorize $586.5 million for these programs in FY2001, and such sums as necessary in the remaining years. ###

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