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In Washington DC
442 Cannon House
Office Building
Washington, DC
202-225-6316 Phone
202-225-4975 Fax
In Albuquerque
20 First Plaza NW
Suite 603
Albuquerque, NM
505-346-6781 Phone
505-346-6723 Fax

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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Business as [un]usual... October 25, 2001
Dear Friends, The past two days have been lovely fall days in Washington. The leaves are turning and there is none of the awful humidity that usually makes the city so oppressive. It`s a good thing too, since so many of us spent more time outside. As my good husband says, "It could be worse. It could be raining." Rep. Gary Ackerman, my colleague from New York, pulled his family mini-van into the Capitol parking lot and set up his card table traveling office. They had temporary office space in a downtown building for us, but most of us didn`t go there. We worked from home or used our mobile phones and "Blackberries" -- mobile e-mail devices that all House members have now -- to do business from wherever we were. Starbucks was doing a brisk business, and the few local restaurants were crowded. While communicating was hard and we had most of our files and papers locked up in the Cannon building, work went on. We passed the anti-terrorism bill to eliminate the statute of limitations on terrorism and update the wiretapping laws. Conference committees have been working on defense and we`re moving through the budget bills. But Wednesday evening we got the good news that the Cannon Office building would reopen at 9am Thursday morning. We still do not get mail here, and with the problems at the Brentwood Post Office that serves Washington, D.C., we are not sure when they will start up mail delivery again. The e-mail works, the phones and faxes work, and our Albuquerque office, which picked up much of the slack over the last five days, continues to be available to serve you. If you need to contact us, here are the best ways: Email: ask.heather@mail.house.gov Web site: www.house.gov/wilson Phone: 505-346-6781 Fax: 505-346-6723 Congresswoman Heather Wilson 625 Silver Ave. SW, Suite 340 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 We will take all of this in stride and press on. Wish you were here,

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