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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Drugs and Kids April 25, 2000
Dear Friends,

On Monday, the House Judiciary Committee subcommittee on crime came to the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge on Jefferson to take testimony on the explosive growth of Methamphetimine use and trafficking in New Mexico

Meth has become the drug of choice in New Mexico, second only to marijuana. It`s called the "poor man`s cocaine". Some of it is brought in from Mexico, but it is also "cooked" locally using ingredients you can buy from a hardware store and drug store. Use among high school students has doubled in recent years and there has been a 600% increase in the number of labs siezed by police in the last four years.

But it`s the effects of meth on children and families that troubles me the most. Most of us remember Eric Starr Smith, the man traveling on I-40 through New Mexico who beheaded his 14 year old son because he thought he was the devil. He was on Meth.

Mr. Stan Whitaker is a Commissioner for Domestic Violence Court in Albuquerque and used to prosecute child abuse cases. He estimates that 20% of his domestic violence cases now involve meth.

On Monday afternoon I met with my youth advisory committee. They`re a group of mostly high school kids with a few from college that I get together with to talk about issues important to them. They`re good kids. I asked and half of the high school kids said they have a friend or someone they know at school who uses meth.

Sue Rowland works for the Child Support Enforcement office in Silver City. She has 3 children, all in thier 30s now, all of whom whom were involved with drugs. Her message was strong and heartfelt. If you don`t think it could
happen to you and your kids, think again.

You`ve heard it on the commercials, now you hear it from me. Talk to your kids and grandkids about drugs. They`re hearing about them at school and in your neighborhood. Meth is highly addictive. It causes paranoia, hallucinations and violence. It destroys lives and families. They need to stay away from it.

Glad to be home,


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