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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Head Start September 26, 2005
Dear Friends, One morning in August I spent a few hours with Governor Stuart Paisano looking at Sandia Pueblo`s health and education programs. Sandia recently took over responsibility for Head Start for its youngest tribal members from Sandoval County. They have combined Head Start funds with funds from the tribe and the federal government to create a very good early childhood education program for their children that starts at 6 weeks old and continues through the day before Kindergarten. I love spending time with children and those first five years are so important. Last week in the House we passed legislation to continue to improve Head Start. Head Start is a great idea and it works well in many communities -- including ours, I think. But a recent report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified problems with financial mismanagement and lack of emphasis on school readiness in some areas of the country. The legislation includes requirements for more public financial disclosure, annual audits, and recompetition of Head Start grants for programs that are not highly rated. The bill also requires closer coordination with local school districts to help make sure that children growing up in poverty are prepared by Head Start to begin Kindergarten. We also need to do a better job helping finding and enrolling children who are eligible for Head Start and could benefit from it. And we would do well to learn from Sandia Pueblo about blending funding streams so that care for children is consistent year round and throughout the day. Traditional Head Start is only during the school year and not always full day, creating a problem for many working parents. Achieving excellence in early childhood education makes a tremendous difference in a community in a relatively short period of time. If you don`t think 18 years is a blink of an eye, talk to a friend who just left their child at the college dorm how fast it goes. I think we will see that impact at Sandia Pueblo. Wish you were here,

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