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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson rejoices Vets Cemetery November 07, 2001
Congress marks $125,000 for cemetery site selection work
, WASHINGTON, DC - A national cemetery in central New Mexico for the state’s veterans looks more likely today after Rep. Heather Wilson successfully secured $125,000 for site selection work to establish a new cemetery near or in Albuquerque. The funding was included in a conference agreement reached this morning on the 2002 VA-HUD Appropriations Act. The new cemetery should open before January 1, 2009. Wilson introduced legislation on the 57th Anniversary of D-day this year (June 6, 2001) that directs the Secretary of Veteran’s Affairs to begin the lengthy project of establishing a national cemetery in the Albuquerque area. Last year Wilson won approval of a measure that required the VA to begin an official study of the need for a 3rd veteran’s cemetery in the state. She also requested funding to support that effort in the FY02 fiscal year, worked closely with her colleagues and with House leadership to curry support, and met with VA Secretary Anthony Principi to underscore her adamant support of a new national cemetery in the Albuquerque area. Wilson actively identified this project in Capitol Hill circles as one of her top priorities. The funding announced today is the culmination of Wilson’s efforts. The VA spending measure with the cemetery funding now goes to both chambers for final agreement before heading to President Bush for signature. “One of the promises this country made to those who have served is that they would be placed with their comrades when they died,” said Wilson. “This new cemetery will ensure that we continue to honor that promise to New Mexico’s veterans. Fifty-seven years ago today, on D-Day, the United States and our allies launched the largest amphibious assault in military history. Thousands of our servicemen and women died. Others, like the hundreds of veterans I’ve visited with in Albuquerque, survive today and want to know that their sacrifices will be remembered and honored. They deserve this final measure of respect.” Veterans groups have long pushed for a national cemetery in central New Mexico with the knowledge that the cemetery in Santa Fe is quickly reaching capacity. Veteran leaders have worked closely with Wilson, the first female veteran to serve in Congress, to establish such a facility.

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