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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

The Medicare Problem May 31, 2000
Dear Friends,

I`m home over Memorial Day and then Congress goes back into session June 6th.

I wanted to tell you about a cause I`ve taken up that is important for seniors who have chosen to get their Medicare coverage through one of our
Managed Care companies. They`re usually called "Senior Plans" and about 40,000 New Mexicans -- half of those eligible in the Albuquerque area -- get their health care this way.

New Mexico is discriminated against by the federal government in the way it pays for this health care. If you are covered by Medicare Choice in Bernalillo County, the government pays your HMO $430 per month to cover the cost. If you were in Staten Island, it would be $811 and about the same inn Miami, Florida.

Almost every HMO in New Mexico lost money last year and most are going to lose money this year. We are losing doctors and health care workers to other states that can pay more.

Most of the HMO`s in New Mexico are considering whether they can continue to take Medicare patients. It would be awful for our seniors if they stopped.

It`s not right and we need to fix it.

Over the last month, I have been working with the leader in the House who will be writing the Prescription Drug and Medicare Reform bill that we hope to pass this summer. I wanted him to include something that would give some relief to New Mexico and come closer to covering the real cost of care for seniors.

You can read more about the specifics in the press release below.

I`ll be working over the summer to try to make this happen and protect access to high quality care for New Mexico`s seniors.

Good to be home,


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