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spacer Dear Friends, December 14, 2000
Dear Friends, The calendar on my refrigerator says that the projected date of adjournment for the 106th Congress is October 6, 2000. In October there were several not-very-secret staff pools going on to guess the real date of adjournment. I doubt anybody guessed December. This may be our last week in session, and there are some important issues still on the table for New Mexico. This morning, I sent a letter to the President about bringing some fairness to Medicare Choice so 15,000 Ne...
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 32
Serving Neighbors

Keeping our kids safe during the Holidays

The holiday season is one of the busiest times of year for New Mexico families. There’s no shortage of excitement: lots of hustle and lots of bustle. The malls and shopping centers are packed full with Christmas cheer and families doing some shopping and visiting Santa. It’s also a time of year to remember your child’s safety, especially with so many people darting back and forth. A tragedy takes only seconds to occur. Have a look at the Albuquerque Police Department Website for information about missing children. Or take a few minutes to read these Safety Tips, brought to you by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. And have a wonderful Holiday Season.

Fun Facts
How many states participated in the first Presidential election?
In the first election for President only 10 states participated. New York didn`t choose any electors, and neither Rhode Island nor North Carolina had yet ratified the Constitution.

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