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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Seeks Funding for Priority Projects At Kirtland Air Force Base March 28, 2003
Washington, DC—Congresswoman Heather Wilson sent a letter today to the Chairman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction to request funding for five important and necessary projects located at Kirtland, Air Force Base in Albuquerque.

The projects for which Wilson requested funding are:

$12 million for the construction of a new Space Vehicles Component Development Lab at Kirtland, Air Force Base. A new Space Vehicles Component Development Lab would provide a state of the art high tech industrial facility with clean rooms to support space vehicles component development. This facility would highly complement the existing Air Force Research Laboratories at the base. This high tech laboratory will support the science and technology needed in the development of space power generation. The facility will be used to develop solar arrays and photovoltaic cells, space power storage, space vehicle mechanisms (launch separators and maneuvering components), mechanism controls, space protection including radiation-hardened electronics, and environmental sensors including focal plane arrays and cryo-coolers. The facility will provide space for two medium labs and eight light labs required for space vehicle component research, development, and experiments. Additionally, administrative areas are required for analysis, engineering, engineering support, and management personnel.

$11 million to reconstruct and widen Wyoming Boulevard to include (4) 12-foot wide traffic lanes separated by a raised traffic median on Kirtland, AFB. This project would provide protected left turns at intersections with signals. It would also eliminate unessential left turn access along Wyoming Boulevard at intersections without signals. The project would also provide new pavement surfaces and foundations of sufficient structural capacity to meet current traffic volumes, vehicular mixes and loadings. Existing traffic signal standards and underground utilities would also be replaced as required.

$12 million for the construction of an Advanced High Power Microwave Research Lab at Kirtland, AFB. This lab would be a hub for the development of Directed Energy theoretical and experimental narrowband High Power Microwave (HPM) technologies required to support Air Force Core Competencies and the AFMC Strategic Plan to ensure effectiveness of weapon systems. Lab space is needed for HPM equipment setup, experimentation, electrodynamic computational source simulation/visualization, and data analyses. The high bay lab requires areas for simultaneous test setup and staging, a machine shop, a hazardous waste containment trench, and an anechoic chamber with sub floor to contain the unique frequencies used in HPM research. A 10 MVA power supply and independent grounding system are also required. The project includes administrative space for offices, customer work areas, and a conference room with sound attenuation.

$8.4 million to replace the High Power (HP) Gas Laser Lab Complex at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland, AFB. A remotely located and explosive sited lab complex is required to support the development of high power chemical laser technologies to include the All Gas-phase Iodine Laser (AGIL) and HF Laser Diagnostics Development projects. The complex will include a lab with a gas laser equipment setup area, staging areas, experiment areas, and space for support equipment storage, a hazardous materials facility to manufacture and store hazardous materials and an administrative facility with offices, customer work areas, and a conference room.

$4 million for a new Electrical Power Main Switching Station to be located at Kirtland, AFB. This project would provide a secure, adequate, reliable, maintainable, and redundant power system for the base. Switchgear and related facilities will be housed within a new protected facility located within the base boundary in order to prevent sabotage.


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