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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Good News for New Mexico March 05, 2002
Dear Friends,

Some tidbits of economic news last week were positive, even though we won`t know for sure whether the recession is over for some time still.

The Council on Economic Advisors reported (in a mere 400 pages) that last summer`s tax relief bill hit just at the right time and softened the recession. Fourth quarter export numbers were higher than expected. Orders for durable goods are up with companies replenishing inventories. Housing construction remains strong and unemployment insurance claims are not rising. And this one I really love -- New Mexico may be one of 8 states that missed the recession completely. A combination of steady government employment and our technology sector kept us growing, although slowly, last year.

All of that is good news, but it can`t come too quickly for people who are looking for work.

Last week I went to two job fairs and talked to people about what they were looking for and how they were doing. Some folks were out of work, some folks were just looking at the options because they were feeling a little anxious and want to be ready if they end up losing their job. Networking is half the battle for job seekers. More than once I found myself giving people leads on what opportunities I knew of around town.

It`s an anxious time for people who are out of work or worried that they might be. But, in general, the hundreds of people I talked to were optimistic about their prospects and even some looking forward to a change now that change had been forced on them.

Later in the week I went out to the Sandia Technology Park out on Eubank just before you reach the gate to Kirtland. If you haven`t driven by there recently, you should. Buildings are going up in a high tech corridor that didn`t exist four years ago. Emcore has three divisions there; Team Specialty Products are machining special parts for the labs and the base; and we cut the ribbon for ATA -- Tony Tenorio`s new building for the company he has built over the last 26 years. His family was sure proud of him!

I`m optimistic and I hope you are too.

Wish you were here,


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