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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Troop 285 March 07, 2000
Dear Friends,

It`s early Tuesday morning and last night I went with my family to the Eagle Court of Honor for Troop 285 at Sombre del Monte Church. Two boys -- Donnie Cox and Gregory Segura -- became Eagle Scouts last night and their family and friends were sure proud of them.

And there were twelve boys there with their parents to become the newest members of Troop 285. They were fifth graders, ten of whom had not been Cub Scouts. Their uniforms were new and still fit pretty well. (They won`t for long!)

Twelve boys stood at the front of the sanctuary as the lights dimmed to darkness and older boys -- their new leaders -- lit a candle for each of the twelve elements of the Scout Law. A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. And with each word, the voice of a confident teenager in the darkness explained what those words mean to a Scout.

With their new neckerchiefs tied by their parents, they all raised their hands with their friends and fathers and new role models and pledged, "Upon my honor to do my duty to God and my country. . . "

The nightly news tells us that a six year old has taken a stolen gun from the crack house where he was left and killed a classmate and we are angry and frightened and wondering what in the world we are coming to. What happened last night at Sombre del Monte was just a reminder that in quiet gatherings all across this great state, good people are helping good boys to become good

Wish you were here,


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