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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season! December 17, 2002

By Chris Leighninger Chris is a Junior at Manzano High School and is serving an internship in Congresswoman Wilson`s Albuquerque office.
This time of year, many New Mexicans celebrate the holiday season by having parties, setting up decorations and giving presents to others. But many tend to forget the importance of SAFETY during the joyful chaos. If you have ever seen the movie “Christmas Vacation,” you may recall Mr. Griswald, his unfortunate experiences and his unsafe choices. Keep in mind that road rage, dried out Christmas trees, excessive use of lighting, and misuse of combustible materials are unsafe decisions for you and your family’s health. Mr. Griswald is a prime example of what not to do this Christmas season.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has released a list, on their web site, of safety tips for the holidays, recalls of dangerous toys, and clothing that may harm to your children. Each year hospital emergency rooms treat about 12,500 people for injuries, such as falls, cuts and shocks, related to holiday lights, decorations and Christmas trees. In addition, there are 11,600 candle-related fires each year, resulting in 150 deaths, 1200 injuries and $173 million in property loss annually. Christmas trees are involved in about 300 fires annually, resulting in 10 deaths, 30 injuries and an average of more than $10 million in property loss and damage. You can visit www.cpsc.gov to find out more about holiday safety and toy recalls to make sure you do not end up like Mr. Griswald. Have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

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