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In Albuquerque
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505-346-6781 Phone
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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Works Frontier Counter, Tortilla Machine April 19, 2004
Albuquerque, NM - Congresswoman Heather Wilson today pitched in at the popular Frontier Restaurant over the noon hour, taking customer orders and feeding dough balls into the tortilla maker.

Wilson schedules “work days” at businesses throughout the community to better keep in touch with workers and employers. Last week, she rolled up her sleeves to help out at a local grocery store. In February she operated a curb and gutter machine at a west side neighborhood under construction.

“I like to learn about what people do in their jobs and how what happens in Washington affects their lives and businesses,” Wilson said. “Government can`t create wealth. But government can create the conditions for businesses to grow and create jobs. We have to build on the good economic news we’ve had over the last seven months so that everyone who wants a job can find a job.”

Frontier Restaurant owner Dorothy Rainosek welcomed Wilson: “It was great having Congresswoman Wilson help out, and I`d hire her anytime. I appreciate her interest in jobs and local businesses.”

Wilson has toured dozens of Albuquerque area businesses to keep tabs on job creation and economic growth.

Recent Data Confirm Stronger Economy

Recent data, released in a report Friday by the U.S. House Budget committee, confirm the view that the U.S. economy has returned to a sustained expansion, a remarkable turnaround and recovery from the combination of shocks that caused the slowdown and recession of 2000-01.

The surge in nonfarm payroll employment of 308,000 jobs in March was stronger than expected, and the largest monthly gain in 4 years. Payroll employment has now increased by 759,000 jobs over the past 7 months. The unemployment rate was “about unchanged” in March at 5.7 percent, up slightly from 5.6 percent in February. The unemployment rate has been trending down from the 6.3-percent rate of June of last year. At 5.7 percent, the unemployment rate continues to be lower than the average for the 1970s, 1980s, or 1990s. A continued downward trend in new unemployment insurance claims bodes well for further gains in payroll jobs in coming months, according to the report.

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