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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Hard Time for Armed Crime April 11, 2000
Dear Friends,

Ray Wilkinson of Rio Rancho volunteers with Students Against Gun Violence. He sent me an article about a successful program in Richmond, Virginia called Project Exile and suggested I look into it, and I did.

Richmond was one of the most violent cities in the country not too long ago. In a first-of-its-kind arrangement, the local District Attorney and the police worked with the U.S. Attorney to get criminals who use guns when they murder, rape, rob, or traffic in large amounts of drugs tried in federal court where there is a minimum 5 year sentence for using a gun in one of those crimes. And they advertised what they were doing -- to the criminals.

Gun violence plummeted in Richmond.

In communities across the country that are getting serious about gun crime, the story is the same. Prosecution and punishment of serious violent felons who use guns works.

Ray`s suggestion and the support of members of my Community Crime Advisory Committee as well as New Mexico Law Enforcement led me to be an initial co-sponsor of "Project Exile: The Safe Streets and Neighborhoods Act of 2000".

The sets up block grants for states that adopt the 5 year minimum -- either in state law or in cooperation with the U.S. Attorney.

There should be hard time for armed crime.

I just got back from the floor of the House where we voted on the Project Exile bill. It passed, 358-60. Sometimes, common sense prevails.

Wish you were here,


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