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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Several months ago, Congresswoman, Heather Wilson, and three members of her staff, spent an entire afternoon visiting with us at the ASJCAC, Inc. office and were treated to an intense - in depth neighborhood tour which included visits to the South Valley and AT&SF; Superfund Sites. Relating to our cultural background, the richness of our heritage, and our values and traditions, we touched upon San Jose, a Hispanic/Latino community - showing traces, the remnants to validate the evidence of our past history as a thriving farming community.

We testified to the fact that unfortunately, when companies/industries (who had no vested interest in the vital natural resources or our neighborhood) moved in - they put an end to hope for our healthy future. We spoke at great length about issues and factors that negatively impact our quality of life.

We talked passionately about the price we continue to pay because of others not being 100% responsible and also about the lack of accountability. Actions by those PRP`s (Potentially Responsible parties) damaged and severely impacted all of us ruining things others take for granted. There has been devastation to our natural resources - in their pollution of our environment. We suffer other types of ramifications and live that burden daily. We must forever remember to nevver stop asking questions until the answers meet our expectations and we are satisfied. Our responsibility remains, as individuals, as a community, as a nation under GOD - in our uphill struggle until the day comes when they all finally get it, doing it right.

Congresswoman Wilson and her staff committed to help facilitate a process for acceleration of the level of clean-up at the AT&SF; Superfund site. They remained diligent as, the noise she declared stating San Jose`s message on Capitol Hill, in Washington, D.C., resonated strongly to those in positions of power, influence and authority. We are elated to report that forthcoming we expect an expedited cleanup at our site. We appreciate Congresswoman wilson - she listened an heard us. It is evident that her argument was totally convincing.

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