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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

A Decade of Dreams February 29, 2000
Dear Friends,

I had a wonderful week working in Albuquerque, even if those winds Monday did make it seem like Arizona was on its way through to Texas! Now I`m back in D.C.

I visited quite a few schools last week. Del Norte won the state wrestling championship. I was scheduled to teach government class, but I got to go to the celebration assembly too. We officially launched our new web site in a bilingual web design class at Albuquerque High and I visited Los Ranchos elementary to talk with fifth graders about their government. . . . And UNM unearthed its 1964 time capsule. Where were you in `64?

I always enjoy going to schools and last week, at the Career Enrichment Center, I talked with kids about the future of public education in America.

The Speaker of the House, Denny Hastert, asked me to do the response for the Congress to Education Secretary Riley`s state of education speech. That was a real honor about a subject I care a lot about.

If we are going to make the 21st century just as much an American Century as the 20th was, we need to rededicate ourselves to public education. What was good enough for us or for our parents is not going to be good enough for our children. I called it a "Decade of Dreams" and if you`ve got a minute, I think it`s worth a read.

Wish you were here,


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