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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson & Domenici Working to Protect Groundwater January 15, 2004
Albuquerque, NM – Congresswoman Heather Wilson and Sen. Pete Domenici are working to help protect groundwater resources and ensure a safe drinking water supply for the South and North Valley.

At the Mountainview Community Center today, Wilson announced that $2.6 million in federal funding has been approved by the House for wastewater improvements for the South and North Valley. The Senate will consider action on the measure when Congress reconvenes next week.

“These infrastructure improvements will help ensure a safe drinking water supply for the South and North Valley by protecting groundwater resources,” Wilson said. “I’m happy to continue working to fund this important project that will maintain groundwater for future generations.”

“Heather Wilson and I work well together to find the federal dollars to support this project. We’re in for the long haul because it will give the North and South Valleys the infrastructure it needs to improve the quality of life and environment for their residents,” Domenici said. “We still face a tough haul in the Senate to get this omnibus bill passed and sent to the President. I hope my colleagues will not dawdle over this vote so that new funding, like the $2.6 million we’ve gained for 2004, can be put to work.”

Domenici serves on the Senate Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development and Independent Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee that funds the EPA and this North and South Valley project.

With the FY2004 funding, Wilson and Domenici will have worked to secure about $18.2 million to overhaul the North and South Valley infrastructure, including $1.8 million in FY2003, $3.8 million in FY02, $4.38 million in FY01, and $5.7 million in FY2000.

Total cost of the improvements is projected at $111 million, and about $81 million has been provided through federal, state and local sources.


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