Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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Press Release of Senator Lugar

Lugar Cosponsors Great Lakes Compact

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar today cosponsored the Great Lakes Compact, an interstate agreement that creates new standards for water and resource management for the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Basins.
These water management agreements regulate new and increased diversions of water outside the Great Lakes Basin in order to preserve environmental, economic and recreational opportunities in the Great Lakes.
“Lake Michigan, and the entire Great Lakes system, is important to our economy and to our continued enjoyment of these precious resources,” Lugar said.  “Shipping on the Great Lakes is a critical part of our economy in Indiana.  Many jobs and businesses in Northwest Indiana are related to ongoing trade and economic activity that occurs at Burns Harbor.  At the same time, many families in Indiana spend time enjoying the parks and recreational facilities that are associated with the lakeshore along Lake Michigan.”
The new standards were created in 2005 by the eight Great Lakes states and the Canadian provincial premiers of Ontario and Quebec.  Subsequently all eight states have ratified the compact, including passage by the Indiana General Assembly and signing of the law by Governor Mitch Daniels on February 20, 2008.  In order for the compact to become federal law, Congress also must consent.