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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Signs Letter Urging Vote on Federal Minimum Wage Increase July 26, 2006
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) today announced she has signed a letter urging the Majority Leader to have a floor vote on a federal minimum wage increase. The letter, authored by Reps. Steve LaTourette (R-OH) and Frank LoBiondo (R-NJ), has the signatures of 48 House Republicans urging House consideration of a minimum wage boost. Rep. Wilson supported a federal minimum wage increase on March 9, 2000, the only up-or-down vote on a minimum wage increase during her eight years in Congress. With that vote, she supported an increase to $5.65 per hour that would have increased again to $6.15 per hour one year later. (H.R. 3081, Roll Call Vote # 41, 106th Congress). “I’m urging a vote on a federal minimum wage increase,” Wilson said. “I expect a good proposal to emerge that I can support that includes important relief for the small business that create seven of ten new jobs in America.” Letter Text Below: July 24, 2006 The Honorable John Boehner Majority Leader House of Representatives H-107, the Capitol Washington, DC 20515 Dear Mr. Leader, We are writing today to reiterate our request that you bring legislation increasing the federal minimum wage to the floor this week. As Members prepare for the August District Work Period, many of our constituents feel strongly that this matter deserves the full attention of Congress immediately. The citizens in our districts are voicing their support for such an increase and ultimately we are accountable to them. As you know, it has been nearly ten years since the last increase in the minimum wage. At the current rate, a minimum wage employee who works 40-hours a week earns $10,700 per year. For a single parent with two children, that amount is thousands of dollars below the federal poverty line. Nobody working full time should have to live in poverty. We believe it is time for Congress to take responsible action to raise the minimum wage and ensure our hard working constituents can provide for their families. We appreciate the leadership you provide and willingness to work with us to resolve this matter positively. We look forward to working with you to ensure a majority of our colleagues in the House will support such legislation and we thank you for your attention to this critical issue. Sincerely, Signers of the letter: 1. Bilirakis 2. Boehlert 3. Capito 4. Castle 5. Davis (KY) 6. Dent 7. Emerson 8. English 9. Ferguson 10. Fitzpatrick (PA) 11. Foley 12. Gillmor 13. Gutknecht 14. Hobson 15. Johnson (CT) 16. Johnson (IL) 17. Kelly 18. King (NY) 19. Kuhl 20. LaHood 21. LaTourette 22. Leach 23. Lewis (KY) 24. LoBiondo 25. McHugh 26. Miller (MI) 27. Murphy (PA) 28. Ney 29. Peterson (PA) 30. Poe (TX) 31. Ramstad 32. Saxton 33. Schwartz, Joe 34. Shays 35. Sherwood 36. Simmons 37. Simpson 38. Smith (NJ) 39. Sweeney 40. Tiberi 41. Upton 42. Walsh 43. Weldon (PA) 44. Weller 45. Wilson (NM) 46. Wolf (VA) 47. Young (AK) 48. Young (FL)
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