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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Commits To Baca Land Purchase October 16, 1999
SANTA FE -- Congresswoman Heather Wilson today urged Congress to consider the authorization and funding of the Baca Ranch in northern New Mexico. The Act includes two Titles, one for the purchase of the Baca Ranch and another that will allow the Interior Department to dispose of property under the Federal land Policy and Management Act of 1976. "I am pleased to support the purchase of the Baca Ranch through the Valles Caldera National Preserve and Trust and Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act," Wilson said. "Like the Tres Pistoles bill that I helped push through last year, this purchase will help preserve a land area which has scientific, cultural, historical, recreational and ecological value to all New Mexicans. I will work with the rest of the delegation to ensure that this proposal is considered during this Session of Congress. It is very late in the appropriations process but we will do whatever it takes to start the process and try to get funding this year." Previous management of the Baca ranch included limited grazing, hunting and timber harvesting and is an example of sound sustainable land development and use. The nine appointees to the Board of Trust will continue to follow this model. Title one of this act outlines a carefully negotiated sound management plan for this unique property with nine appointments by President Clinton with New Mexico input. Included in the plan is management goals of resource protection and preservation, multiple use and sustained yield and public access. "Like the rest of the delegation...last year I was disappointed when the $40 million appropriation to purchase the ranch ended negatively," Wilson said. "I congratulate Senator Domenici for his resolve in keeping the chances for the Baca Ranch purchase alive. And, I am pleased to join with Senator Bingaman and Congressman Udall to make this dream a reality." "Title two of this bill is very exciting. By selling or transferring four to six million acres of disposable property, owners of inholdings could be compensated for purchase of their land," Wilson added. "This could have a positive effect on gaining additional land for the Petroglyph National Monument in the First Congressional District."
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