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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

The Home Front November 20, 2001
Dear Friends, This is a two front war. The first is rooting out and destroying the terrorists and their networks. The second is here at home. We need to get our economy back to growth and job creation. This means keeping interest rates low and putting together an economic stimulus package that encourages investment and job creation while helping people who have lost their jobs because of the slow down to get through the hard times. But it’s all up to us. If we hold off on purchases and plans, if we stay home and hunker down rattled by the events of September, our economy will recover more slowly. We got knocked down on September 11th. So let’s get back up and go do things. Tourism was hit hard by the September 11th attack and is still not back to normal. People are staying close to home, and with tourism such a large part of our economy, that hurts. The New Mexico tourism department is increasing their advertising in neighboring states ("Enchantment is closer than you think"). We can get out and enjoy New Mexico, too. So were working with the Tourism Industry Association to promote New Mexico. This weekend my family and I went down to the Bosque del Apache to the Festival of the Cranes. We live in the valley and about three weeks ago we started to hear the geese overhead at our house.

The whoopers haven’t arrived yet, but there were thousands of sandhill cranes and mallards. We saw red tail hawks, coots, pheasant, and an eagle, too. You can have all that, a green chile cheeseburger from the Owl Café and a glorious sunset less than two hours from Albuquerque. Such a deal! The folks at the Bosque del Apache would love to see you. Have a Happy Thanksgiving,

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