Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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Date Title
01/20/06  Lugar and Harkin Encourage Flexible Fuel Vehicles Legislation
01/19/06  Letter #6: Iraq’s Elections in Perspective
01/19/06  Lugar Statement on Transforming the State Department and Naming of Tobias to Head AID
01/19/06  Lugar Encourages Swift Action by Treasury on E-85 Tax Credit
01/18/06  Lugar encourages Hoosiers to claim Earned Income Tax Credit
01/11/06  Gary Fire Department Receives Fire Grant
01/09/06  Lugar and Obama Press Administration to Secure Loose Weapons
01/06/06  Lugar Announces Academy Nominations
01/06/06  Lugar Meets with Congressional Award Recipient Bryan Gross
01/06/06  Lugar Meets with Congressional Award Recipient Joseph Bricker
01/06/06  Letter #5: Encouraging Iraq Economic News
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