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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Overtime for Cannon August 26, 2005
Dear Friends, Watching C-SPAN as the BRAC commissioners voted Friday was frustrating. General Fig Newton proposed to bring T-38s from Moody AFB, Georgia to Cannon and reject the Pentagon`s proposal to close Cannon. The lawyer for the Commission had advised previously that Commissioners Jim Hanson and James H. Bilbray had a conflict of interest because F-16s from Cannon would go to states where they live -- Nevada and Utah. I thought that was bad advice when it was first raised several weeks ago -- and I`m a stickler for these things. Commissioners don`t represent their states. But it was even more stunning after the Commission recessed to talk about it that the guys from Nevada and Utah were advised to abstain on a motion to keep open a New Mexico base and move in aircraft from Georgia. There was no good case for a conflict of interest on that vote. The "Ref" -- a lawyer in this case -- made a bad call. The result was a 4 to 3 vote to keep Cannon open permanently with 2 abstentions. They needed a majority of the commissioners -- 5 votes. New Mexicans involved -- including me -- believe that we would have had the votes if the two abstentions hadn`t happened. Instead, we have a reprieve -- another shot to press for a new mission for Cannon before 2010. We`ll all work together to make that happen. Sometimes when the Ref makes a bad call, it doesn`t affect the rest of the game. This time it did. It looks like we`ll go into overtime. We`ll keep playing. Good to be home,


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