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12/9/2008 Additional Views: Executive Privilege Appropriate; Valerie Plame May Have Misled the Committee
12/8/2008 Collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Hearing- Republican Briefing Memo
10/15/2008 Democrats: "Shocked, shocked to find politics in the White House Office of Political Affairs!"
10/14/2008 EPA, OIRA Investigations and Executive Privilege Claims; Missed Opportunities by Majority to Complete Investigations
10/14/2008 FBI Interview Reports: Executive Privilege Appropriate; Other Aspects Requiring Committee Investigation Identified
10/6/2008 Examining the Causes of the Credit Crisis of 2008
9/22/2008 Survey of State Hospital Associations: Practices to Prevent Hospital-Associated Bloodstream Infections
7/17/2008 Additional Views on the Tillman Report
4/9/2008 Weighing the Committee Record: A Balanced Review of the Evidence Regarding Performance Enhancing Drugs in Baseball
12/10/2007 Republicans respond to distorted draft Democratic CEQ report
12/5/2007 Executive Pay: The Role of Compensation Consultants
11/14/2007 Republican Staff Report on Majority's "Investigation" of State Department Office of Inspector General
10/15/2007 Part D Gets an A: Private Medicare Drug Plans Are Serving Customers, Saving Money
3/28/2007 Committee Republican Staff Report on GSA Administrator "Investigation"
1/9/2007 Did the 9/11 Commission receive all the documents it requested? Davis Releases Berger Report
1/1/2007 Staff Report on Jack Abramoff and the White House