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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson meets with customers to discuss how the Firestone tire recall is progressing in New Mexico September 22, 2000
670 Replacement Tires Arrive in New Mexico Today
ALBUQUERQUE, NM - Congresswoman Heather Wilson visited with customers and representatives of Albuquerque area Ford dealers this afternoon to discuss how the massive Firestone tire recall was progressing in New Mexico. Wilson announced earlier this week that Ford Motor Company had sent 6,000 tires to New Mexico, which would be more than enough tires to handle all the customers on waiting lists at Ford dealers across the state. "Sometimes, when I`m asking questions and raising concerns in a Congressional hearing a long way from home in Washington, I wonder if it will really make an impact on people`s lives," Wilson said. "This time it did and I`m really glad. Ford has stepped up to the plate and rather than having to wait weeks or months for replacement tires, hundreds of New Mexicans will have safe tires shortly." Congresswoman Wilson, who serves on the House Commerce Committee that has been investigating the details of the Firestone tire recall, has been critical of the way Firestone has handled the recall. In a hearing earlier this month, Firestone executive admitted to Wilson that the decision to leave New Mexico off their priority list for replacement tires was a mistake. However, at a hearing yesterday when asked by Wilson if anything had been done by the company to address the error, Firestone officials acknowledged nothing had been done. In sharp contrast to the lack of action by Firestone was Ford`s quick decision to redirect tires to New Mexico to help deal with a backlog of approximately 4,600 tires. According to officials at Ford Motor Company, 670 tires are being delivered to the three Albuquerque area ford dealers today. The delivery will be divided evenly between Rich Ford, Bob Turner Ford and Don Chalmers Ford in Rio Rancho. As of yesterday, Ford has shipped 5,000 of 6,000 expected extra tires to New Mexico since Congresswoman Wilson expressed concern and outrage about how New Mexico was being overlooked in Firestone`s recall plans. In addition to today`s delivery of 670 Michelin tires, Ford expects to deliver an additional 1,000 Goodyear replacement tires to New Mexico by next week. "I appreciate Ford`s responsiveness to our problem in New Mexico and I`m glad they have pitched in to help," Wilson said. Don Schnider with Rich Ford said, "This really solves a problem for us. By next Wednesday, everyone on our waiting list will be taken care of." Bob Turner, owner of Bob Turner Ford Country expressed similar feelings, "Now we are able to inspect tires and change them immediately." Any New Mexican who has tires that have been recalled -- even if they are not on a Ford vehicle -- can go to a Ford dealer to get them replaced. There are three Ford dealers in the Albuquerque area: Bob Turner Ford and Rich Ford in Albuquerque and Don Chalmers Ford in Rio Rancho.
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