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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Supports Toy Safety December 18, 2007

Bill marked-up by Energy & Commerce Committee will lower lead levels in toys

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) today supported H.R. 4040, The Consumer Product Safety Commission Modernization Act, as it was marked-up and passed out of the Energy and Commerce Committee.

This bill lowers the permissible amount of lead in a children’s toy from 600 parts per million (ppm) to 90 ppm over four years and orders mandatory third-party testing to certify that children’s toys comply with this standard. Mandatory tracking labels will be put in place on toys to facilitate product recalls in a timely manner.

“With the onset of the holiday season and toy sales in high gear, I welcome the passage of this legislation out of Energy and Commerce Committee. Parents must regain the confidence that the toys they are buying their children are safe, and free of lead,” said Wilson.

For retailers and manufactures that violate these laws, such as allowing lead to be present in toys above the set levels or knowingly selling toys that have been recalled, civil penalties will increase ten-fold, from $1 million to $10 million.

“Retailers must be held accountable for knowingly selling toys that have been deemed unsafe. I am pleased this bill contains essential mandates for tracking labels on toys, so that any recalls can be expedient and comprehensive.”

This bill has bipartisan support in Congress, as well as the endorsement of the National Retail Federation, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions, and the Consumers Union.

Also passed out of Committee was the Cameron Gulbranson Kids Transportation Safety Act of 2007, which would require new cars to have power windows that automatically reverse when they detect an obstruction, as well as a rear visibility standard to prevent accidents while backing up. The phase-in period for new cars is 3 ½ years after implementation of this law.

Both bills are expected to come to the floor early next year.

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