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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Blue in the face? September 17, 2003
Not at Reginald Chavez Elementary, where "Blue" Honors Their Hard Work... Reginald Chavez Elementary School in Albuquerque is on the map at the U.S. Department of Education. And with good reason. Under the leadership of Principal Michael Saavedra--and with hard work by staff, students, and parents--the school has turned a corner and test scores reflect that success. That’s why Heather was at the school Monday with federal and local education officials to recognize Reginald Chavez for the incredible progress its students have made over the last four years. Dr. Maria Hernandez Ferrier, director of the federal office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students, came to New Mexico to join Heather in recognizing Reginald Chavez Elementary School. A NATIONAL MODEL OF SUCCESS Designation as a Blue Ribbon School makes Reginald Chavez Elementary School a national model for success and achievement. In fact, Fourth graders at the school went from the 41st percentile in math in 1999-2000 to the 54th percentile in 2001-02. They went from the 42nd percentile in language skills in 1999-2000 to the 64th percentile in 2001-02. "The students, the parents, and the staff at Reginald Chavez Elementary really deserve this blue ribbon," says Heather, who has visited over one hundred schools throughout her tenure in Congress and visited Reginald Chavez just last May. "They’ve worked very hard and it’s great to see their effort recognized in this wonderful way." Principal Michael Saavedra said the recognition was especially important because it highlights dramatic improvement from just four years ago, when the school of about 365 students was placed on probationary status.

compliment is very powerful and I know that the Blue Ribbon award will motivate us to sustain our hard work." --Principal Michael Saavedra
CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP Heather said it was especially fitting that the announcement of Reginald Chavez’s Blue Ribbon designation comes as the nation begins its celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month. The school student population includes 86.1% Hispanics, and a third of its students—34% (124)—are Limited English Proficient students.

ondering how No Child Left Behind affects you and your kids?
TEACHERS: Download the "A Toolkit for Teachers" PARENTS: Have a look at "A Parent`s Guide"
"Si se puede. Yes, we can," says Heather, who says her own Spanish could be better. At the school, she practiced her Spanish with some of the students. "Reginald Chavez Elementary School is a perfect example of the potential that is within all our students, from all walks of life. No Child Left Behind seeks to eliminate the gaps between rich and poor, black, white, and brown. "There are enough high achieving schools in poor and minority neighborhoods all over this country to tell us that where children come from is no limitation on who they can become," says Heather. The Education Department selected 219 schools nationwide for the honor. Reginald Chavez Elementary is the only Blue Ribbon school in New Mexico. "Incredible staff, involved parents, and hard work and a positive attitude have made Reginald Chavez Elementary a national model for achievement," said New Mexico`s Congresswoman as she and Dr. Hernandez Ferrier presented Principal Saavedra with the Blue Ribbon Award.

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