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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Calls on China to Release US Navy Crew Immediately April 04, 2001
WASHINGTON, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson, who chairs the House Policy Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, called on the Chinese government to allow the 24 US servicemen and women return home during a speech on the House floor earlier today. The following is the full text of Congresswoman Wilson’s speech:

“Mr. Speaker, twenty-four Americans are currently being detained in China under circumstances which are unacceptable.

“Today, the Chinese Ambassador (Yang Jiechi) has said that, `the crew members are in China because the investigation is going on,` and China’s foreign minister (Tang Jiaxuan) has asked for an apology. The Chinese news agency, Xinhua, reports the American Ambassador was admonished and told that the U.S. `has displayed an arrogant air, used lame arguments, confounded right and wrong, and made groundless accusations against China.`

“America has nothing to apologize for. Our aircraft was operating in international airspace when Chinese interceptors came close to investigate and harass it. They came too close and caused a mid-air collision.

“We all know that sometimes, in international politics, statements are made for internal consumption rather than for the ears of other powers. But the Chinese government needs to understand that here, in the Congress, we are listening and watching. Your action, or failure to act, has consequences.

“This is an unusual situation, in which an American military aircraft had to make an emergency landing on Chinese soil. I am supportive of the President’s desire to keep this accident from becoming an international incident. Every hour that goes by without the return of our crew makes the likelihood of continued good relations between our two countries less achievable.

“I have supported free trade with China and engagement with China’s people. That and more is at risk and not all of it is under the control of the President and his administration. In the coming months, this House may consider China’s access to the WTO, arms sales to Taiwan, military to military, cultural and scientific exchanges as well as an array of other issues important to China.

“We have allowed the Chinese government time to do the right thing. But now it is time for our servicemen and women to return home.”

Congresswoman Wilson is a member of the House Armed Services Committee. She is also Subcommittee Chair for National Security and International Relations on the House Policy Committee. Wilson is an Air Force veteran and served on the National Security Council Staff in the first Bush administration.

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