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Patrick Murphy Hails Bipartisan Passage of his First Bill Print E-mail
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Congressman Murphy’s Bill Condemns Boycott of Israeli Academia, It is his First Bill to Receive a Full Vote and Passed the House Unanimously

(Washington, D.C.) – Today, the House of Representatives passed Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy’s (D-8th District) resolution that repudiates the University and College Union (UCU) of the United Kingdom for their boycott of Israeli academic institutions. This was Rep. Murphy’s first resolution to receive a vote on the floor of the House and it received unanimous bipartisan support. The bill – H.Res 467 – was passed out of the Foreign Affairs Committee late last month, clearing a key hurdle in its path toward a vote on the House floor. Murphy’s legislation condemns the UCU and urges governments and educators throughout the world to reaffirm the importance of academic freedom and open dialogue. The resolution also urges the general members of the UCU to reject the call of the union’s leadership to boycott Israel both economically and culturally. In a similar move recently, the Association of University Teachers and National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education passed resolutions in 2005 and 2006 supporting a boycott of Israeli academia. Those two unions later merged and formed the UCU. Britain’s National Union of Journalists called for a boycott of Israeli goods earlier this year. The resolution passed the House unanimously by a margin of 414 to 0.

“We have to continue to fight for academic freedom and for the open exchange of cultural and economic ideas. This resolution, this vote, does just that,” said Congressman Patrick Murphy. “When the forces of hate attack Israel, they attack American values – and today we stood up for our ally and our values. I am very pleased that this important bill received such wide, bipartisan support.”

Excerpts from Congressman Murphy’s Floor Speech (As Delivered):

“I rise today to offer a resolution to let the world know that this House stands opposed to anti-Semitism and re-affirms our support for academic freedom.”

“Israel is a stable democracy that shares our values. This is rare in a region of the world where few nations have democracy, rule of law and religious freedom.

“As an Iraq war veteran, I know first-hand just how dangerous that part of the world truly is.

“That’s why, when Israel comes under attack from hate-mongers, it is the American values that are also under such attack. Today, by passing this bi-partisan resolution, we are stating with one voice that this Congress will stand up and defend our friend the State of Israel.”

“Limiting academic exchange and shrinking the marketplace of ideas only hinders our ability to bring peace to the Middle East and to help solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Prior to being elected to Congress, Patrick Murphy served as a Captain in the U.S. Army. He was deployed to Bosnia and to Iraq. In Iraq he served with the 82nd Airborne where he was awarded the Bronze Star for service. He is the first and only Iraq war veteran to serve in Congress. He is a former West Point professor and criminal prosecutor.

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For Immediate Release, July 11, 2007
Contact: Adam Abrams, (202) 225-4276