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Patrick Murphy Honors Fallen Firefighters Print E-mail
Thursday, 05 July 2007
8th District Congressman Supports House Resolution that Honors the Lives and Devotion of Nine Brave Firefighters who Died in the Line of Duty in South Carolina

(Washington, D.C.) – Late yesterday, Pennsylvania Congressman Patrick Murphy (D-8th District) honored the service and the lives of nine South Carolina firefighters who died in the line of duty earlier this month. Rep. Murphy supported House Concurrent Resolution 172 – which passed the House last night unanimously. The resolution states that the Congress honors the nine fallen City of Charleston firefighters who lost their lives on June 18, 2007. The resolution also calls attention to the fact that this is the single worst loss of firefighters since September 11, 2001. By voting for this Rep. Murphy calls Captain William “Billy” Hutchinson, Captain Mike Benke, Captain Louis Mulkey, Engineer Mark Kelsey, Engineer Bradford “Brad” Baity, Assistant Engineer Michael French, Firefighter James “Earl” Drayton, Firefighter Brandon Thompson and Firefighter Melvin Champaign true heroes.

“We owe those who protect us our unending gratitude and support – especially since they devote their lives to securing our communities,” said Congressman Patrick Murphy. “The firefighters from Charleston, South Carolina, just like those from Pennsylvania, are true heroes and I was proud to honor them.”

Rep. Patrick Murphy is the Honorary Chairman of the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Fireman’s Association Emergency Responder Safety Institute. As Honorary Chairman, he serves as an advocate for the safety of firefighters and first responders.

Fighting for Full Benefits for Federal Firefighters

Patrick Murphy is a cosponsor of HR 1142, the Federal Firefighters Fairness Act. This bill creates the presumption that federal firefighters who become disabled by heart disease, lung disease, certain cancers and other infectious diseases contracted the illness on the job. Federal firefighters are currently denied this right that a majority of municipal firefighters already enjoy. More than 40 states have already enacted similar “presumptive disability” laws and we owe our federal first responders the same occupational safeguards and benefits.

Fighting to Ensure that Firefighters Have the Resources They Need

Patrick Murphy is a signatory on a letter to the Appropriations Committee requesting increased funding for the Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response Firefighters (SAFER) and Assistance to Firefighters Grant Programs. The SAFER program provides much-needed funding for career and volunteer fire departments to hire new firefighters and recruit and retain volunteer firefighters. This program is critical to the thousands of fire stations across the country that are operating short-staffed.

Fire Grant funding has been declining in recent years and Murphy is fighting hard to make sure that this trend is reversed. Since 2001, Fire Grants have supplied more than $3.7 billion for infrared cameras, personal protective gear, hazmat detection devices, improved breathing apparatuses, advanced training and fitness programs, fire engines and interoperable communications. This is the basic equipment our fire departments need to effectively respond to all hazards.

Text of the Resolution:
1st Session
H. CON. RES. 172

Honoring the life of each of the 9 fallen City of Charleston firefighters who lost their lives in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 18, 2007.


Honoring the life of each of the 9 fallen City of Charleston firefighters who lost their lives in Charleston, South Carolina, on June 18, 2007.

Whereas firefighters work devotedly and selflessly on behalf of the people of the United States, without regard for the peril or danger to themselves;

Whereas firefighters carry out the vital role of protecting and ensuring the safety of the public and their property;

Whereas on June 18, 2007, 9 brave men of the Charleston Fire Department selflessly paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to their community;

Whereas the firemen who perished had over 120 years of combined service in the fire department;

Whereas the events of June 18, 2007, constitute the single worst loss of firefighters since September 11, 2001;

Whereas Captain William `Billy' Hutchinson, Captain Mike Benke, Captain Louis Mulkey, Engineer Mark Kelsey, Engineer Bradford `Brad' Baity, Assistant Engineer Michael French, Firefighter James `Earl' Drayton, Firefighter Brandon Thompson, and Firefighter Melvin Champaign were heroes in the truest sense of the word; and

Whereas Charlestonians, South Carolinians, and Americans will forever be grateful for the service of these firefighters and mourn their loss: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress honors the lives of the 9 fallen City of Charleston firefighters who lost their lives in Charleston , South Carolina, on June 18, 2007.

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For Immediate Release, June 28, 2007
Contact: Adam Abrams, (202) 225-4276