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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Amendment Added To Support Teachers July 20, 1999
WASHINGTON -- The House of Representatives today approved an amendment by Congresswoman Heather Wilson to H.R. 1995, the Teacher Empowerment Act. The act is the first phase of reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. The amendment passed the House by voice vote . The Wilson amendment strengthens two sections of the bill: mentoring for new teachers and alternative certification of teachers. "In New Mexico, up to 40% of beginning teachers leave the classroom in the first five years. We also know that when we give new teachers mentoring and professional support in those early years, more of them will stay," Wilson said. The bill provides incentives and flexibility for states to develop alternative certification programs to recruit and train highly qualified second-career teachers. The Wilson amendment strengthens this provision to ensure that alternative certification programs are focussed on getting highly qualified teachers into the classroom. "In New Mexico, like most states, it is difficult to come into the classroom as a second career. Yet we have people who have taught at community colleges or been professional engineers, scientists or military members who have a gift for teaching. We need to develop a system in New Mexico to attract and train great second-career teachers," Wilson said. "Georgia O’Keefe could not have taught high school art; Bill Gates can’t teach high school computer science; Tony Hillerman can’t teach high school creative writing; and Senator Dennis Chavez could not have taught high school civics. When we talk about great people, it is obvious how silly this system is. There are good, solid Americans who know their subject and have a gift with children that we need in the classroom. We need to clear the way for them to teach." "This amendment allows veteran teachers to help other teachers over the rough spots that they have mastered through years of experience," Wilson said. "By coaching, observing and assisting beginning teachers, students will benefit the most from this process." The amendment also stipulates that alternative routes to teacher certification must :
  • Include strong academic and teaching related course work that provides teachers with the subject matter mastery and teaching knowledge needed to help students reach state performance standards.
  • Provide intensive field experience in the form of an internship or student teaching, under the daily supervision of a veteran teacher.
  • Mandate that candidates must be fully qualified to enter the teaching field.

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