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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Votes to Condemn MoveOn.org Ad Attacking Gen. Petraeus September 26, 2007

Wilson Votes to Condemn MoveOn.org Ad Attacking General Petraeus

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today voted to condemn MoveOn.org for placing a newspaper ad questioning the loyalty of General David Petraeus.  The attack ad appeared in the New York Times the day the General was scheduled to testify before Congress. 

“The MoveOn.org ad was a vicious attack on a highly decorated military officer who is commanding our forces in the field,” said Wilson today.  “We cannot be silent when a radical left wing group does something this irresponsible.”     

The bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 341-79. 

The text of the motion-to-recommit resolution follows:

Motion To Recommit

House Joint Resolution 52

Mr. LEWIS moves to recommit House Joint Resolution 52 to the Committee on Appropriations with instructions to report the same back to the House forthwith with the following amendment:

            At the end of the joint resolution, insert the following new section:

Sec. 150.  (a) Congress makes the following findings: 

    (1)     General David H. Petraeus was confirmed by a unanimous vote of 81-0 in the Senate on January 26, 2007, to be the Commander of the Multi-National Forces--Iraq;

    (2)     General David H. Petraeus assumed command of the Multi-National Forces--Iraq on February 10, 2007;

    (3)     General David H. Petraeus previously served in Operation Iraqi Freedom as the Commander of the Multi-National Security Transition Command--Iraq, as the Commander of the NATO Training Mission--Iraq, and as Commander of the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) during the first year of combat operations in Iraq;

    (4)     General David H. Petraeus has received numerous awards and distinctions during his career, including the Defense Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Distinguished Service Medal, two awards of the Defense Superior Service Medal, four awards of the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the State Department Superior Honor Award, the NATO Meritorious Service Medal, and the Gold Award of the Iraqi Order of the Date Palm; and

    (5)     The leadership of the majority party in both the House of Representatives and the Senate implored the American people and Members of Congress early in January 2007 to listen to the generals on the ground.

(b) It is the Sense of the Congress that the House of Representatives--

    (1)     recognizes the service of General David H. Petraeus, as well as all other members of the Armed Forces serving in good standing, in the defense of the United States and the personal sacrifices made by General Petraeus and his family, and other members of the Armed Forces and their families, to serve with distinction and honor;

    (2)     commits to judge the merits of the sworn testimony of General David H. Petraeus without prejudice or personal bias, including refraining from unwarranted personal attacks;

    (3)     condemns in the strongest possible terms the personal attacks made by the advocacy group MoveOn.org impugning the integrity and professionalism of General David H. Petraeus;

    (4)     honors all members of the Armed Forces and civilian personnel serving in harm's way, as well as their families; and

    (5)     pledges to debate any supplemental funding request or any policy decisions regarding the war in Iraq with the solemn respect and the commitment to intellectual integrity that the sacrifices of these members of the Armed Forces and civilian personnel deserve.



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