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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Says Rep. Delay Should Not Return to Majority Leader Post January 06, 2006
Congresswoman Signs Letter Urging a Conference Vote to Fill Majority Leader Vacancy

Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson (R-NM) today said that Rep. Tom Delay (R-TX) should not return to the House Majority Leader post and called for a vote in the House Republican Conference to fill the vacancy.

“Yesterday, I contacted the Speaker`s office and told them that I believe we must hold elections for a new permanent majority leader,” Wilson said. “I do not want Tom Delay to return to that position. Three of his former senior staff members have admitted or have been implicated in corrupt and illegal activities to get money for themselves by influencing legislation. Whether or not Mr. Delay was involved himself or knew this was going on, he is responsible for his office. I cannot tolerate this.”

A “Dear Colleague” letter urging a leadership election is being circulated among Republican Members of the House by Representatives Charles Bass (R-NH) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ). Rep. Wilson has announced she is signing that letter. As of late Friday, 16 Republican Members had agreed to sign the letter. A total of 50 signatures is required to force consideration of a vote within the Republican Conference.

Rep. Delay has temporarily stepped aside from the leadership role due to an indictment in the state of Texas. Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO) is currently handling the duties of the Majority Leader’s office.

On November 17, 2004, Wilson voted to reject a rule change in the House Republican Conference that would have allowed an indicted leader to continue serving in a Republican leadership post.

Wilson said at the time: “While I respect the concern that prosecutors could pursue politically motivated indictments, I disagreed with this rule change and voted no. As a general matter, we should not craft the rules of the House because of individual situations.” The rule change was reversed by a subsequent vote of the House conference.

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