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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico


Clovis Air Force Base on Track for Special Operations Mission

WASHINGTON – The New Mexico congressional delegation, including Senators Pete Domenici and Jeff Bingaman and Representatives Heather Wilson, Tom Udall, and Steve Pearce, today welcomed news that the Pentagon has signed an environmental impact statement that clears the way for Cannon Air Force Base in Clovis to become home to a special operations wing of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).

Col. William C. Anderson, assistant secretary for the Air Force Directorate of Installations, Environment and Logistics has signed the record of decision, denoting completion and approval of the National Environmental Policy Act process. On a subsequent conference call, Lt. Gen. Michael W. Wooley, Air Force Special Operations Command commander, announced that AFSOC had achieved this critical step.

“While not unexpected, it is certainly a welcome announcement that the environmental impact statement has been completed. Any time you’re dealing with environmental issues, you can’t quite be sure until it’s a done deal,” said Domenici. “With this important part of the process behind us, we can now focus on moving forward to expand the mission at Cannon Air Force Base and ensure its long-term viability.”

“This was the final step that needed to be taken before Cannon Air Force Base could officially become home to this tremendous new mission. With the EIS signed, we can now be assured that Cannon will continue playing a key national security role for our nation, and that the base will remain a vital part of eastern New Mexico’s economy. This is a victory for the delegation, the state, local officials and the communities of Clovis and Portales,” Bingaman said.

“Special Operations is a great fit for New Mexico and this is a huge step forward. We all look forward to welcoming this new mission and new friends to Cannon,” Wilson said.

"Throughout this effort we have stated that Cannon has a critical role in keeping our country safe. This confirms it. While its mission may have changed, the commitment to service of the men and women at Cannon has not. Today marks a victory for the Clovis and Portales communities, for AFSOC, and for the nation," said Udall.

“I am excited to see the Air Force Special Operations Command coming to Cannon AFB. With FLETC, WSMR, and Magdalena Ridge Observatory located in Southern New Mexico, this addition will only increase the synergy of New Mexico’s significant role in the United States defense and military development. I understand how difficult it is to clear EIS and I congratulate everyone at Cannon for their hard work, achievement and continued success,” said Pearce.

The National Environmental Policy Act requires an analysis of environmental impacts that could occur as a result of expanded military operations. The process, which began for Cannon in 2006, assesses potential impact on factors such as population, noise, water resources, hazardous materials, housing, ecology, air traffic, and air quality.

With completion of this process, Cannon is on track to begin standup of special operations beginning Oct. 1 under the command of Col. Tim Leahy. The planned mission expansion will equip Cannon with approximately 100 AFSOC manned and unmanned aircraft. The build-up of the new special operations wing is expected to take around three years and the final active duty population will include between 4,400 and 5,600 Air Force personnel.



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