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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson’s Proposals on Funding Bilingual Education, Math & Science Education and Charter School Funding Included in President’s Education Reform Bill May 17, 2001
Washington, DC – The House of Representatives began consideration today of H.R. 1, the No Child Left Behind Act, which includes an additional $50 million in funding for bilingual education programs that Congresswoman Heather Wilson fought to secure.

As originally drafted, the bill would have combined three federal programs—bilingual education, immigrant education, and foreign language education—and increased authorized federal funding for these programs from $460 million annually to $750 million annually. Working together with Texas Democrat Congressman Ruben Hinojosa, Wilson was able to secure a $50 million increase in overall funding for these programs to $800 million annually.

“New Mexico is a national leader in bilingual and dual language immersion education. We have competed very well for these federal funds in the past and this significant increase in funding should help bring additional funds to New Mexico. Increasing funding for this program is the right thing to do for kids and for New Mexico as a state.”

On the floor of the House today, Congresswoman Wilson was able to secure a commitment from the Chairman of the House Education Committee to include her provision on public school choice in the final House/Senate compromise version of this legislation.

Wilson worked with Congressman Tim Roemer (D-IN) on the school choice provision. Their program authorizes $400 million in federal matching funds for states to level the playing field in the area of facilities funding for charter schools and traditional public schools. This program is not new, just an additional allowable use under the current Charter School Grant program. Charter schools often have to choose between paying their rent and paying their teachers.

“By investing in innovative ideas like charter schools we can begin to give parents the choices they deserve and more importantly children the quality education they need. I look forward to continuing the progress we’ve made in helping charter schools succeed in New Mexico and throughout the country,” said Wilson. “I’m very excited about the number of charter schools that have blossomed in New Mexico.”

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