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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Welcomes Award-winning Albuquerque Math Teacher at Science Committee Hearing March 20, 2002
Congresswoman announces bill to improve math and science education instruction

Washington, DC-Congresswoman Heather Wilson today welcomed Bill Schrandt, a math teacher from Valley High School who has been awarded a Presidential Award for Excellence in Math and Science Teaching. Mr. Schrandt was invited to testify at the Science Committee hearing to give his perspectives on ways the federal government can help schools improve math and science instruction.

Each 2001 Presidential awardee receives a $7,500 grant that is given to their school and a trip to Washington, D.C., to attend the award’s ceremony and participate in the award week activities. In addition, the teachers will be honored at a Kennedy Center awards ceremony on Wednesday evening and a Congressional breakfast on Thursday morning.

“Mr. Schrandt has devoted his career to enriching young minds and making math accessible,” said Wilson. “He is an excellent example of quality teaching for New Mexico and deserves this recognition.”

At the hearing, Wilson announced introduction of a bill to improve math and science instruction in New Mexico schools by creating regional working groups for educators. Wilson’s bill builds on the No Child Left Behind Act which seeks to improve the performance of students in math and science by encouraging states and local schools to work together with institutions of higher education to improve math and science teacher education. The working groups prescribed in Wilson’s bill will give educators opportunities for training, professional and curriculum development, and the ability to share successful ideas across school districts and states in math and science.

“Teachers don’t often have the opportunity to work with educators from other school districts or other states to learn what others are doing and how they are doing it,” said Wilson. “By creating regional working groups on math and science education, we help teachers learn from each other and take the best ideas back to their own schools.”

“There is a need for change in our schools,” said Schrandt. “We need to provide better opportunities for kids to learn meaningful content in a way that leads to better understanding. Our goal is not just to get kids to graduation, but to empower them to become productive citizens. I wish other teachers could share the experiences I have had through federal grant programs. Congresswoman Wilson’s bill will give more teachers that opportunity.”

Partnerships including school districts, universities, charter schools, non-profit groups, and businesses would be eligible to apply for a grant to set up regional working groups. In order to apply, the organization must present its plan for establishing a regional working group that includes multiple states and school districts, a description of how they would accomplish goals based on scientific research, and an explanation of how the activities would improve student achievement.

Congresswoman Wilson is focusing her attention in the coming weeks on improving public education. Throughout the next few weeks she will introduce several pieces of legislation that will focus on areas where Wilson believes the public education system can be strengthened or improved.


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