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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Spring April 04, 2006
Dear Friends,

The cherry blossoms were beautiful last week. I made the mistake of taking a cab rather than the metro from Capitol Hill out to the Women in the Military Memorial at Arlington Cemetery last week, taking me straight through the cherry trees. It was like driving up Alameda during the Balloon Fiesta. But sometimes its worth deciding to enjoy the journey even if it is not what you planned, and the beautiful pink blankets of flowers on the trees really are something to behold.

While the cherry trees were blooming outside, the House was making progress on math and science education.

Sometimes things take forever to get done and then, when they finally happen, it seems almost too easy. It`s like you have been pushing your bike up a long hill and then, when you finally get to the top, the coasting seems too easy.

Last week the House passed the Higher Education Act. It includes several provisions we have been working on for years, including new provisions that will improve the administration of federal funds for Hispanic Serving Institutions and an amendment I offered on teacher training for math and science teachers.

Our children need to be well educated in math and science in order to be prepared for the jobs of the twenty-first century. I tend to focus on teacher training and education and we have a lot of scientific and math intensive jobs in Albuquerque. The truth is, if I had a choice between the best equipped school in the country and a well trained teacher under a cottonwood tree, for my kids, I`d choose the well trained teacher under the cottonwood tree.

The Higher Education Act will help support the continuing education of math and science teachers so that they can teach our children.

Wish you were here,

Cherry blossom photos are from the National Park Service.

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