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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

God Bless America... September 12, 2001
I wanted to share with you my thoughts as our nation prays for the thousands of people hurt and killed today by a cowardly act of terrorism. I’ve received several intelligence briefings today, and I, too, have been watching in shock as this tragedy unfolds before us and on television. From my office on Capitol Hill, where thousands of New Mexicans have visited their federal government, we could see the smoke billowing from the Pentagon. Our first priority in the days to come must be to care for those who are hurting, and for their families. As a country that is a beacon of freedom and prosperity in an uncertain world, we will go on. What happened today was the act of cowards. Often people who do these things scurry back into the gutters they came from. I can say with confidence that we will spare no effort to track down and punish those responsible. It’s important for the world to know that our nation will not bow to terrorists and faceless acts of cowardice. Late this afternoon, the United States House of Representatives held a press conference with most Members of Congress standing together on the steps of our nation’s Capitol. The Statue of Freedom that adorns the dome of the Capitol watched over us as everybody, from the Speaker of the House to freshmen representatives, Democrats and Republicans, sang “God Bless America.” I expect the Congress to be in session by 10am tomorrow and the people`s House will conduct the people`s business. We will not give up our freedom in the face of terrorists. As President Bush said tonight, terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. God bless America, and God bless New Mexico.

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