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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Wilson Welcomes House Passage of VA Funding July 01, 2005
Wilson Supports $975 Million for Veterans Health Care
Washington, DC – Congresswoman Heather Wilson today welcomed House passage late Thursday by a 419-0 vote of $975 million for veterans health care. The fiscal year 2005 supplemental appropriations for the Department of Veterans Affairs address increased costs associated with providing quality health care to our nation’s veterans. "We need to make sure we provide good quality healthcare for veterans," Wilson said. Last week, the VA told the Congress they face a shortfall because of faulty projections of health care costs. In House testimony, VA officials said that they had used a two-year old financial model to make their original requests. As a result, they underestimated both long term care costs and the number of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans needing care by about $1 billion this year. "I`m disappointed that the VA did not tell the Congress more promptly when they discovered the problem. But the Congress has acted quickly to address it so that we can make sure VA healthcare will be properly funded this year and next year," Wilson said. Wilson said the funding increase honors the nation’s commitment to health care for veterans, and recognizes their sacrifice and dedication. The $975 million supplemental includes:
  • $273 million to fund healthcare for returning Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans, including Members of the Guard and Reserve.
  • $226 million to continue funding the shared federal and state VA long-term care nursing home program.
  • $200 million to fund unanticipated increases in healthcare for priority group 1-6 veterans.
  • $95 million to fund unanticipated energy, fuel and utility costs.
  • $84 million to buy emergency medical equipment.
  • $39 million to pay for the increase in healthcare benefits for dependents of 100 percent service-connected veterans as the need has increased at a greater rate than expected.
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