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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

New Mexico National Guard Slated for Equipment Upgrade March 15, 2007
WASHINGTON – In response to an inquiry from the New Mexico congressional delegation, the National Guard Bureau has pledged to address the serious problem that has the New Mexico National Guard operating with the lowest level of dual-use equipment of any Guard in the nation.

U.S. Senators Jeff Bingaman and Pete Domenici, Representatives Heather Wilson, Tom Udall and Steve Pearce wrote last month to Francis J. Harvey, the then-Secretary of the Army, pointing out their serious concerns with a General Accountability Office (GAO) report ranking New Mexico last in the nation regarding equipment availability. The GAO says that the New Mexico Guard has only 33.8 percent of the total amount of dual-use equipment – that which can be used for missions at home and on the battlefield – it is authorized to have.

In a briefing, the National Guard Bureau told the delegation that a key reason the New Mexico Guard is not adequately equipped is that its transportation, military police, and MEDEVAC units are in high demand in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that some of the equipment they bring with them to those countries is being left there for other units. Currently, an additional 19 percent of equipment assigned to the New Mexico National Guard is being used in Southwest Asia.

The Army also told the congressional delegation it will ramp-up equipment availability to 43 percent by next year, with the goal of exceeding pre-wartime levels by 2013.

“It’s clear that the New Mexico National Guard is playing a key role in Iraq and Afghanistan, but in my opinion that is no excuse for the fact that it is currently under equipped. This is a prime example of neglect and we need to make sure the Pentagon takes steps now, and in the future, to properly equip New Mexico’s National Guard,” Bingaman said.

“I am proud that the New Mexico National Guard is providing strong support in protecting our nation, and am confident it has the resources it needs in Iraq and Afghanistan. That is only part of the equation, though. The Army must ensure the New Mexico National Guard has the equipment it needs at home to successfully complete the many domestic missions it does for the state and nation. The Guard must be equipped to meet all of its mission requirements, not just those in the combat theater. Failing to do so is unacceptable and jeopardizes the security of the nation and the safety of our Guard members,” said Domenici, who serves on the Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

“Restoring and replacing equipment for all of the troops that come home-Guard, Reserve, and Active-is a priority in the Congress,” said Wilson. “The men and women of the New Mexico National Guard do an exceptional job of responding to crises in New Mexico-including the recent snow storms that isolated livestock. We need to support them and get them the equipment they need to be effective. I`m glad to see this first step, but I`ll monitor the Pentagon`s progress to make sure our National Guard troops are getting the support they need.”

“Our New Mexico guardsmen and women deserve no less than full the support and equipment necessary to perform their duties, and I remain committed to working with the delegation and General Montoya to hold the Pentagon accountable and improve their readiness. Given that today the National Guard is being relied upon at unprecedented levels, this situation is unacceptable,” Udall said.

“Our National Guard consists of outstanding individuals who make America proud. When members of the New Mexico Guard are deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan they must have every opportunity to accomplish their mission. The additional 43% of dual-use equipment will help the New Mexico Guard both on foreign soil and at home,” Pearce said.


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