First Congressional District of New Mexico


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spacer Dear Friends, February 22, 2000
Dear Friends,

I`m home working in Albuquerque over President`s Day, but I want to tell you about an important vote coming up when we return to Washington next week: The Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act.

Over 800,000 seniors lose part or all of their Social Security benefits because they continue to work. It`s called the Social Security "earnings
limit". Seniors aged 65 - 69 who earn more that $17,000 this year will lose $1 of their Social Security for every $3 of wag...
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In Washington DC
442 Cannon House
Office Building
Washington, DC
202-225-6316 Phone
202-225-4975 Fax
In Albuquerque
20 First Plaza NW
Suite 603
Albuquerque, NM
505-346-6781 Phone
505-346-6723 Fax

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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

E-Newsletter Vol. 2 Issue 3
Serving Neighbors


I am very proud of the internship program in my offices in Albuquerque and in Washington, D.C. In fact, the Albuquerque Tribune recently did a feature on Brooke Greer, a very talented and driven senior from West Mesa High School who is currently serving an internship my Albuquerque office.

Brooke and the other students who have worked or are working in my office have helped my staff with research on legislative and local issues, attended briefings and meetings, and assisted with constituent correspondence and services.

One of the best ways to gain practical experience in government is through an internship. Not only does it give a young student a chance to learn about current issues and events, but it gives them invaluable experience if they decide to pursue a career in government or politics.

I want to hear from youth leaders, school counselors, those involved in mentorship programs, and others who know of students who might be interested in an internship opportunity in my office.

Fun Facts
What river was once known as "Coronado`s River of La Senora"?
Question: What river was once known as "Coronado`s River of La Senora"?

Answer: The Rio Grande, which runs through the middle of Albuquerque.

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