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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Nominate an outstanding woman for recognition... February 11, 2008

Happy Holidays

 Do you know an outstanding woman in our community who has touched your life or the lives of others? 

Recognize an Unsung Hero 
Nominate your unsung hero by March 7th, 2008

Fill out the
nomination form: 
MS Word document

Adobe PDF

In honor of Women’s History Month, March 2008, New Mexicans can send nominations of women in New Mexico who have given special service to our community, but may have never received recognition for their good deeds.

Rep. Wilson wants to recognize women from all walks of life who each contribute to our community in their own way.

But she can't do that without your help.  

 Heather Wilson with Karen Stevens. Karen was a 2007 honoree. In 2003 when her son was deployed to Iraq Karen started the first Blue Star Mother chapter in New Mexico . In 2007 she served as the national president of Blue Star Mother's of America, and today serves as the Chaplain for the national organization.
We need you to nominate women you know who do incredible things everyday, but are never recognized for it. 

Creating History Every Day

History does not happen in the past, it is created every day. There are hundreds of women who make and impact history for their family, our community or our country, and most do it in anonymity.

These are women from every walk of life, young and old. They may be a teacher at your children’s school, a volunteer with a helping organization, a neighbor, a friend, a co-worker or a family member. 

March is Women's History Month

Nominating a woman for this recognition is a great way for members of the community to say thank you to the many unsung heroes who make a positive difference.

To nominate a hero in our community fill out the nomination form:  Adobe PDF or MS Word doc.

All nominations must be received by March 7, 2008 and all nominees must be female residents of New Mexico.

Nominations can be made posthumously. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call Congresswoman Wilson's office at 505-346-6781.


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