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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

Children helping Children October 19, 2001
By Dana Hernandez Dana is an eighteen-year old St. Pius High School senior. She is currently serving an internship in Congresswoman Heather Wilson`s office.
As individual Americans we are not alone in our concern with the well-being of our country, as well as our country’s interests abroad. And as Americans it is only natural for all of us to want to help the innocent people and children that this new war on terrorism is affecting, or has already affected. How can we help? And especially, what can our youngest citizens do to help? President Bush has opened a window for kids to get involved with the formation of America’s Fund for Afghan Children.
Now young children across the country may contribute a dollar or more to assist Afghan children in need. The President’s new program is modeled after the original 1938 March of Dimes campaign from the Roosevelt administration. The new fund also builds on the recent announcement by President Bush of $320 million in additional aid to help meet the food and relief needs of the people of Afghanistan this winter. All young people interested in contributing to America’s Fund for Afghan Children may send their contributions to:
America’s Fund for Afghan Children C/o The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW. Washington, DC, 20509-1600
The White House has even created a special zip code in order to help identify and speed-up donations for the fund. The White House will send all of the contributions to the American Red Cross, which is administering the program. Now, more than ever, parents, adults and children may unite as one to fight the war against terrorism while aiding those in need in Afghanistan and the surrounding region.

America`s Fund for Afghan Children

Along with the effort to relieve the suffering in Afghanistan, parents have the opportunity to discuss their concerns with their children in addition to allowing their children to express their concerns with their parents, teachers, and mentors. The importance of communication during such a trying time is extremely necessary. Children and adults alike need to convey their thoughts and concerns to others. And aiding those in need along with expressing the way you feel may soothe the anxiety so many are experiencing. And, this is about more than just giving your child a dollar to in turn give to charity. If you see kids in your neighborhood selling lemonade for this fund, stop and buy a glass. Or better yet, help your kids or the kids in the neighorhood or in your church form a fundraising drive. Rep. Heather Wilson today met with a lady from Los Lunas who donated a comforter she knit. Heather called the Boy Scouts of New Mexico, and they`re going to auction the blanket, along with other items, for the dollars for Afghan children fund. Tell your kids the significance of their contribution and exactly what it means to help those in need. Let them know they are committing a helpful and noble deed, and let them know they are doing so much more than just donating a dollar to a fund. They are setting an example for so many others and are living out their duties as young American citizens.

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